The return of teen Marriages

By Rasika Pote

A few decades ago teen marriages and child marriages were a common phenomenon. These marriages were made to happen without the consent of the boy and the girl. There was no education about how a married life is meant to be. Sometimes the marriage used to happen in cradles itself. The era was different and the marriages used to work out. The girl used to get pregnant at the age of 13 or 14 at an age when they were kids themselves. As times have changed after the abolishment of child marriage there has been a decrease in the number of child marriages but not a complete cut down yet.
The concept of girlfriends and boyfriends have come in lately where the boy is dating a girl for some months and then it either leads to marriage or a break up. The break ups and patch up has become a fashion among all the teenagers. There are some who are madly in love while some who want to have flings every weekend. This kind of scary ‘Romeo – Juliet’ kind of love is gripping on to teenagers and the age bar of marriage is being crossed by them. As the legal age of marriage is 18 for girls and 21 for boys they just run away from the house and get marred once the girl is eighteen. This has again brought in the concept of teen marriages back as it is happening at a faster pace in the urban and rural places. The guarantee of these marriages is not assured as they are done in a hurry to avoid rejection from parents. As the love is raw things are rosy and seem to be stills from Karan Johar’s films but when the reality bites the back the same things turn ugly. The marriage is not sustained and it’s always that the girl is held responsible for the action. Teen Marriages are becoming very common but this fact is costing young girls to compromise their careers and become the dependent beings in society. Freedom comes with responsibility.

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